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Having NARCAN, Deterra pouches, and medication lockboxes is crucial for safeguarding your home and community. NARCAN can reverse opioid overdoses, potentially saving lives, while Deterra pouches provide a safe method to dispose of unused medications, reducing the risk of misuse. Medication lockboxes ensure that prescription drugs are securely stored, preventing unauthorized access and accidental ingestion, especially in homes with children or elderly individuals. Together, these tools promote a safer community and protect against the dangers of fentanyl.

Order Your Tools for Safe Medication Management and Overdose Prevention

If you'd like to request more than 1 NARCAN kit, please call us at 610-829-HELP, and we will do our best to honor your request.
Deterra® Drug Deactivation System Pouches provide safe, convenient and permanent disposal of unused, expired or unwanted medications at home or in a clinical setting. Plant-based Deterra Pouches use organic proprietary activated carbon to deactivate drugs and prevent future environmental contamination. If you're requesting more than 1 Deterra Pouch, please refer to the take-back drop box locations at prdddap.pwpca.pa.gov.
*You will receive one lockbox per household. If more are required, please call the HELP line at 610-829-HELP.
Pickup expires 1 week from date of order and is located at the Northampton County DHS Building; 2801 Emrick Blvd. Bethlehem, PA. For contactless delivery, please provide address below.