Fake is Real is offering FREE Deterra® Pouches, NARCAN kits, and Medication Lockboxes to the businesses, organizations and individuals of Northampton County. Place your order today!
Join us at the Northampton County DHS Building on Monday, March 17th, from 9-10am! Don’t miss the opportunity to connect with Fake Is Real, who will be distributing FREE NARCAN and providing valuable information and resources.
Our Fentanyl Memorial Map shines a spotlight on the heartbreaking toll of the opioid crisis in Northampton County. Take a moment. Take a look. Let’s keep their memories alive, and take steps to change this heartbreaking trend.
If you found your pills online or through social media–know you’re taking a deadly risk.
Are unaware that fentanyl is being used to create fake pills.
Pills bought on the streets contain lethal doses of fentanyl.
In 2023 in PA involve fentanyl according to the Pennsylvania Department of Health.
Often people seek out drugs for different reasons. They might be stressed, curious, impulsive, coping, bored — or maybe peer pressured to use drugs. Whatever the reason, fentanyl is a real risk often unknown to the person. Creating awareness around the myths and facts of fentanyl will make our community stronger.
Stay in up-to-date on new information, trainings and more, every month!
Educating teens about the dangers and consequences of fentanyl is crucial in reducing the number of fentanyl related deaths in our community. We have provided educators with resources and activities to give their students the knowledge needed to combat this epidemic.
Being a community advocate for fentanyl awareness can save lives. It’s easy and anyone can do it. Learn how to help your community here.
Using social media to spread fentanyl awareness is crucial in the fight against fentanyl. We have provided everything you’ll need to raise awareness. Share with your friends, family, peers, coworkers and the community.
Content Copyright 2024 Fake Is Real | Made in the Wild by Kudu Creative