You Can Save A Life.



Please indicate above how many NARCAN kits you would like to order. If you're requesting more than 3 NARCAN kits, please call us at 610-829-HELP.
Pickup is at Northampton County DHS Building; 2801 Emrick Blvd. Bethlehem, PA. For contactless delivery, please provide address below.

Anyone Can Save a Life.

Act 139 Good Samaritan Law & Standing Order for naloxone made it possible for anyone to get NARCAN with no prescription needed.

If You're High and Someone Overdoses

You will be granted certain criminal and civil protections under Act 139 even if you’re using drugs. If you’re with someone who is experiencing an overdose call for help and save their life.

If You're a Community Member and Someone Overdoses

You see a lot of people on a daily basis. You may be a business owner, teacher, parent, crossing guard, etc. Get prepared with a NARCAN kit within your organization and home.

What Does Fentanyl Poisoning Look Like?

In the majority of cases, fentanyl overdoses appear very similar to other opioid overdoses. However, atypical overdose symptoms due to fentanyl have been reported, including:

Immediate blue or grey lips


Body stiffening/seizure like activity


Difficulty breathing


Confusion before becoming unresponsive

What is NARCAN ?

NARCAN is a nasal spray that can be given to a person to reverse a fentanyl overdose by blocking the effects of opioids. NARCAN is a safe, easy-to-use, live-saving medication. Multiple doses might be necessary because of fentanyl’s potency.

Fentanyl Safety for First Responders & Uber Drivers

How to Use NARCAN

Learn how to respond to an overdose emergency

Get Naloxone Now is an online resource to train people to respond effectively to an fentanyl or opioid overdose emergency.
Northampton County Drug & Alcohol is providing community NARCAN trainings.

Doses of Naloxone Administered By EMS

From January 1, 2018 - July 15, 2023
0 %

Based on death record data, over half of drug overdose deaths occurred in the decedent’s own home, highlighting the importance of getting NARCAN into the hands of community members.

Where to find NARCAN

Check out this interactive map to find NARCAN in your area.

NARCAN for Organizations

PA’s Program ‘Naloxone for First Responders’ allows organizations to distribute NARCAN locally or to make available for staff and clients. If you’re an organization in Pennsylvania seeking, follow the link below.


Get NARCAN Mailed to You

If you’re a Pennsylvania resident outside of Northampton County and require NARCAN but cannot access it locally, you may be eligible to receive NARCAN by mail from Next Distro.